Jan 23, 2023
Peace for Ukraine
I made the artwork for Ukraine. The Ukrainian girl with the traditional costume and the flower crown is looking at the huge sun. I heard that the national flower for Ukraine was the sunflower, and it represents renewal and hope. The sunflowers were planted in Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, and they helped extract toxin from the soil. There are so many great meanings for floral embroideries, so I combine the sun, the sunflower, and the floral embroideries.
The flying bird is the nightinegale, the national bird for Ukraine. There was a story that the nightingale sang to cheer Ukrainians. I've been watching the news about Ukraine everyday, and I just wish peace for Ukraine.
It's the year of rabbit, so the big mom bunny is protecting her. The baby bunnies are eating the carrot, sleeping, and just happy to be hugged by the girl. I hope the happy and peaceful day comes soon.
"Ukrainian Girl with Bunnies, Sunflower, and Nightingale"
Pen, Colored Pencils, and Acrylics on Watercolor Paper.